I'm always trying new stuff whether its a new store, restaurant, service, book, vacation spot, website etc and I like to write/rave on it. I'm also random and go on random rants about things that i think are funny, annoying, or that excite me. Welcome to my collection of random thoughts :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Cake balls headache

At Christmas a friend brought cake balls into my office....

I thought they were delicious....

During holidays I get a hankering to be Betty Crocker and I always get in over my head.  I decided to make cake balls.  Little did I know how time consuming and difficult they were to make!!!!
Wednesday night I made 2 cakes.  One was white with funfetti and the other was just a white cake.  If you have never had a cake ball or made them, once the cake is done, you have to break it into tiny crumbs and mix it with icing until its like playdough.  I used butter cream icing and pink vanilla icing.  I split my cakes in 2 so basically each cake had a batch with the two icings.  I let them sit over night in the fridge....
Thursday, I removed the playdough from the fridge and rolled them out and set them in the fridge.  I had gone to the store that day and bought all kinds of stuff to decorate and put them in.....
After an hour or so, I took a few out and put them into the first batch of vanilla coating.  The first 3 came out perfect!  i was so happy.  An online blog suggested keeping the coating in a bowl over a bowl of warm water on the stove so that the coating constantly stayed hot..... well after 3, my coating was scoreched and was basically like sand!

Fortunately, I had decided to buy a bag of pink coating at Michael's earlier that day.  it worked great, however, my cakeballs were not coming out pretty and smooth like the ones you buy.  Mine looked like little roses, they had texture and werent smooth whatso ever!

several hours later of dipping and freezing and being frustrated, i was out of coating and still had probably 100 cake balls that needed to be dipped!  *SIGH*

I spent an hour cleaning my kitchen and then passed out.

The next day i had to go back to the store and get more coating.  I opted for one chocolate and 2 vanilla in case it scorched again.

The chocolate was definitely smoother and my cake balls came out so much better, but after about half way, the chocolate got real hard.  i had it on low heat on the stove so it wouldnt over heat but too late.  it said not to thin it with anything but vegetable shortening.  well all i had was oil so i decided to try and it worked!  As long as my dipping stuff was warm it was thin and smooth.

When those were done i moved on to the vanilla and things were finally moving faster.  I saved a few extra cake balls for the end and threw in some yellow gel coloring and made a few yellow cake balls.

So i bought 6 small boxes to package them in and decided to make them all have the same components.  I decided to make white bunnies first.  This was the first bunny i made.  I had lots of sprinkles from a cookie kit i did as well, and was able to use them for the eyes and noses.  i used fondent to make bunny tails and ears...
  This little guy was too tall to fit in the box so i just made the balls a bunny.  I went and made white bunnies, brown and white bunnies, chicks, white flowers, yellow flowers and little pink and yellow easter baskets.  Then there were random additional cake balls. 

This was the final product

 All packaged up:

They were a big hit.  even though they werent perfectly round and smooth, everyone loved the decorations.  As frustrating as they were, decorating them was a ton of fun and everyone's reactions was well worth it.  I already started planning making more for next week for mother's day.  i'm thinking flowers out of a watering can....

oh and my easter baskets..... they loved them

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