I'm always trying new stuff whether its a new store, restaurant, service, book, vacation spot, website etc and I like to write/rave on it. I'm also random and go on random rants about things that i think are funny, annoying, or that excite me. Welcome to my collection of random thoughts :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

What a wonderful weekend....

My weekend was pretty nonstop go go go, but it was wonderful and amazing for many reasons i cannot explain, but for the moments i can... i will

The weekend started with my dad and i seeing Toy Story 3.  Its a super cute movie.  The Barbie and Ken characters were my favorite.  My dad and i laughed and laughed.  I love watching Disney movies with him, more so than anyone else.  Makes me feel like a little girl again.

That night my dear friend Veronica was celebrating her birthday with friends over at Luigi's Pizza in midtown.  I had never been before and holy snikes is it delicious.  I ordered one slice and they were out of the pizza i ordered so made a fresh one for me.  it was awesome.  its a byob place so veronica and her friends had brought some beer and wine and it was nice to see her and her friends.  Her and her boyfriend played a game of hibachi which was fun to watch, as i had never played.  It was a really nice night, good food, great friend, and great company!

Saturday was GO GO GO! 
After getting several things done, the gym, i met up with my friend Crystal at Empire cafe for brunch.  I had only had lunch and dessert there so Brunch was a first time thing for me there.  The line was ridiculous and Crystal had gotten there way before i did, so when i arrived she was at the front of the line.  I probably made the lady behind her mad but i just ran up and instead of being indecisive with the menu was like " umm make it two!"  Brunch was great and there was a nice breeze on the patio, not to mention good catch up time with Ms Crystal!

Afterwards i went to a cardio class at Pole la Teaz.  Its a women's fitness center that has pole classes and other dance classes.  I had bought a package from Groupon and went to my first class.  The experience was hilarious.  Some funny girls there.  I think its great though.  women of all shapes, sizes, race, were there and some were talking about how those classes had helped boost their confidence.  The dance class was like being at a club minus the boys.... learning some interesting booty shakin dance moves.  It wasnt a difficult workout (despite what some of the girls had told me beforehand) but it was definitely fun!  I would do it again just because they were playing a lot of hip hop i like and well i love to get down!

That night i met up with my dad, stepmom and stepbrother for dinner at guiglianni's in meyerland.  We had a late father's day dinner for my dad and it was quite nice.  My stepbrother invited us to go see his girlfriend Cecelia play in an orchestra at Discovery green play Beach boys songs.  We sat on the hill and omg was i the most perfect night.  breezy and lots of people with cute dogs.  The music wasnt too bad either.  Some belly dancers opened up the show which was fun.  My dad hates belly dancing so his comments were cracking me up!

Daddy on the hill
Afterwards i had a really great fun and exciting night and morning. 

Sunday afternoon I checked out the Menil.  I had never been there before and i have heard great things about the exhibits and the architecture and since i enjoy both, why not.  Art is so interesting how it could mean nothing to us when we see it but the story of the significance to the artist could be really interesting and deep!

So that was only a fraction of my wonderful weekend but i thought i would share....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

If you're happy and you know it.. Part 2

I couldnt find the article but Self's sara Eckel wrote this several years ago... i summarized

Take charge of your happiness

If you want to lead a more joyful, satisfying life, grab a pen, shut out the world and spend some quality time with these five mood-lifting exercises. After all, we are in charge of our own happiness, according to new research in the field. We cant promise that everyone of life’s bumps will cease to annoy you once you’re done, but we bet you’ll walk away with more smokes and self knowledge. You’re about 30 minutes from discovering your happiest self.

Chase your dreams

The happiest people are those who feel charged about what they do, where they live and the people around them. Hicks and associates , a business consulting firm in SF, interviewed more than 300 “happy’” people and found that we don’t need the perfect job/home/mate/fill in the blank to live a life that feels thrilling. What is essential: taking regular breaks from the daily grind to pursue whatever excites us most.

Exercise 1: Put your passions on paper

Time:4 minutes

What you need: pen, paper and timer

What to do: Set the timer for four minutes. Write down everything you love or feel passionate about until time’s up –your dog, cooking with friends, running etc… Let your list pour out without censoring yourself.

How to boost everyday: Tuck the list into your purse and read it daily at a designated time. enjoy one thing from the list during the next 24 hours. If entertaining is your bag, invite a group over for Monday night dinner. Love to travel? Research your next trip. Making time for things you adore is not only nurturing, but it adds meaning to life because it reminds us why its fun to be on this planet.

Put joy first

We all have things we need to be happy, but few of us focus on our so-called priorities. if you say you value family but spend 80 percent of your time at work, you’ll end up feeling dissatisfied. Even if you cant ditch your day job, you can get in sync with whats in your heart. You say honesty above all for instance. Then handling day to day interactions with integrity will reap feelings of well being. Plus when you live by what’s important to you, you’re less vulnerable to shifting circumstances. Remind yourself with what matters from this exercise.

Exercise 2: Define core values.

Time:10 minutes

What you’ll need: pen and paper

What to do : Circle the five qualities you value most


For each selection, write a sentence describing how you incorporate this value into each day (such as “I’m always on time” for dependability) rank each pick from 1 to 5 according to how well you live by it. ( 1 not be at all and 5 being very much so)

How to boost everyday : Write down small ways you can regularly practice your lowest ranked value. Cherish loyalty? Call your best bud Sunday nights for a touch base chat. Once you reconnect with what you care about, you’ll find more ways to seek out joy.

Show some Appreciation

Love is all you need, though not necessarily the head-over-heels variety. What’s more important is appreciation-the kind of love that’s evoked by the mountaintop view that comes after a tough hike to a peak, or an afternoon spent goofing around with your niece who happens to be the cutest smartest toddler ever. Indeed, you might say that appreciation is the highest form of love. For one thing, it can blossom even when its not fully returned. For another, it’s physiologically impossible to experience feat or anxiety when you’re deep in appreciation mode.

Exercise 3: Create an appreciation diary

Time: 5 minutes

What you need: pen, paper, and a calendar.

What to do: every evening take out your calendar, and write down one positive aspect of your life- your husband’s habit of bringing you OJ in the morning, the swell of pride you feel after finishing a home improvement project. Use the questions below as a guide

Monday: what did you enjoy most about your day

Tuesday: Who enriched your life today? how?

Wednesday: What gave you peace of mind today?

Thursday: How did you help someone today?

Friday: how did you invest in your future this week?

Saturday: when were you at your best this week?

Sunday: What are you looking forward to in the week ahead

How to boost everyday: you your daily noted as a guide to discovering and relishing the smaller joys tht often crop up but rarely get your attention. Slow down and savor them, watch them multiply.

Go with the Flow

There are days when a long bath and an evening with the remote are all you need to feel content. To keep the pleasure rolling beyond the latest episode of trading spaces, however, you also need activities that require effort, skill and concentration, whether its completing a crossword puzzle or riding a bike. You want to look back and say, “ I learned something new. “ That generally requires mental or physical exertion. Ideally, aim to spend at least 20 percent of your leisure time doing things that fully absorb you and get you into a state of mind that flows. The deeper the satisfaction you’ll glean from developing skills and putting effort into whatever you’re doing will lift your spirits more than if you blot everything out with television.

Exercise number 4: Up the quality of your downtime

Time: 10 minutes

What you need: pen and paper

What to do: make a list of the 4 quick and dirty ways you unwind that don’t necessarily leave you feeling satisfied, such as watching reruns of Behind the Music or playing computer solitaire. Next jot down alternatives more likely to get you into an engaged frame of mind. For example:

Instead of watching reality tv

Consider documenting your own reality with a camcorder or weblog, or by sending weekly email updates to friends and family containing goofy, sweet, beautiful photos you have taken

Instead of eating a bag or oreos

Consider heading to the kitchen to develop your own signature cookie recipe or leaning how to make your grandmother’s world famous grasshopper pie

Instead of trolling for new clothes at the mall

Consider hosting a “new to you” clothes swapping party, where you and pals exchange garments that you no longer wear, or simply deconstruct some old t-shirts

Instead of playing a mind numbing video game

Consider a rousing night of poker,- or hearts even go fish- with a group of your closest friends

How to boost everyday: Now that you’ve made a list, starting putting your flow-inducing pursuits into action. Replace at least one monotonous habit per week with something more challenging and you’ll feel not only more relaxed but smarter too.

Pen your own happy ending

You’ve blown a big job interview. Your best friend is dating your ex. Whatever humiliation you’ve experienced, you’re bound to feel bad. Just how bad, however, varies from person to person and can have a big impact on happiness. People who brood about failure are likelier to be depressed six months after the fact than those who let life’s rejections roll off their back. so instead of replaying past flops, amend history. You can actually trick yourself into feeling better by creating newer more positive memories!

Exercise 5: Rewrite history

Time: 10-20 minutes

What you need: pen, paper and a highlighter

What to do: write the story of your worst moment ever ( the one that makes you cringe thinking about it) exactly as it happened. Use a highlighter to mark all the red flags of the narrative- the signals along the way that, with hindsight, you now know meant trouble ahead ( like the snooty receptionist who had no record of your appointment for a job interview). Then outlandishly revise your role without altering anyone else’s. The point is to lighten up and get out of the victim mode. Instead of painfully recalling how the receptionist treated you, fabricate a memory of you morphing into Donald trump and bellowing “You’re Fired!” to the rude woman. we all carry memories in the body that’s why your heart aches when you head a song you danced to with an old love. The good news is your body doesn’t know the difference between the real experience and one you’ve made up

How to boost everyday: once you’ve recast yourself as the person in control, the should, coulds and woulds will melt away, leaving you more self assured. By creating a new story you’ll change your self talk from “ugh I was such a dope!” to “ Hey, I let her have it!” In the end, when it comes to bringing more happiness into your life, taking responsibility for your own feelings is key. Take on that power and it will be yours to keep.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Helping others and giving back....

One of my goals this year was to become more involved in philanthropy.  After helping feed the homeless not too long ago i found an article in one of my Houston magazines about these girls that started an organization to connect people with various charities and ways to give back.  Its called Charity Chick's Houston.  They have a very long list of organizations you can become involved with. 

yesterday i was browsing for something to get involved with and i found one called Wish Upon a Wedding.  Its a foundation that helps make people who are terminally ill fulfill their dreams of having a wedding to the one they love.  Some people have several years while others have several weeks to live.  While i'm in no rush to get married, For those who dont have much time to live, I think its really sweet that they do this for some.  There was one story where a lady had three weeks to live and they threw her a wedding.  read about it here.  It happened back in May in Seattle and the lady has since passed but omg so sweet.

The Houston chapter just kicked off and is having their launch party next week.  I emailed their president and asked how i can be of further help and let her know i'd like to be a volunteer.  With as many weddings as i have been in i figured I could easily help!  Being in my friends and some of my family member's weddings have been such beautiful moments for me that i think its awesome to give that gift to those people who dont have much time.  if anyone is interested in volunteering with me let me know.  I'm checking out other places listed on Charity Chicks.  Especially childrens and animal ones :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

If you're happy and you know it... part 1

So in thinking about happiness and how many unhappy people I know, I thought i would post this article as some encouragement. Well actually, i was putting together my workouts and my inspiration/ideas book ( havent touched it in FOREVER) and going through some old fitness magazines I found an article on happiness. I've meant to bring it to work with me to write about it so i googled it and well its so old its not on the net but i found something similar. I'll post the other article as part 2. Anyways, Shape magazine did this article. I've bolded the key parts i like:

You don’t have to win the lottery or meet your soul mate. You simply have to make a few small changes to the way you approach your day…

Though we all know what happiness is, achieving it remains a mystery to most of us. At best it’s elusive, a joyful state that crops up when the circumstances are right. But the latest research shows that happiness is right at your fingertips. You can strengthen and develop it, much like a muscle, until you can summon it anytime — even if your personality generally tends towards a glass-half-empty outlook. “Research shows that our ability to experience happiness is 50 percent influenced by genetics, 10 percent by events, and 40 percent by intention,” says Prof Dan Baker, director of a US-based life enhancement programme. “It’s a side effect of living purposefully, standing up for what you believe in, and developing your full potential.” In doing this, you can elevate not only your state of mind, but your health too. Fortunately, one of the easiest ways to achieve happiness is to break free of daily stressors and focus on the little things in life that bring you joy. To make it even easier for you, we’ve put together 10 simple steps to follow…


Focus on your assets rather than trying to compensate for your weaknesses,” says MJ Ryan, author of 365 Health and Happiness Boosters (Conari). If you’re not sure where your talents lie, pay attention to the compliments you receive. Also, get comfortable discussing the expertise you do have. If you have a flair for technology and your boss needs help putting together a PowerPoint presentation, speak up! Showing confidence — and backing it up with action — allows others to see you in your best light, which creates a positive cycle, says Prof Baker.

The more you talk about your strong points, the more real they become, the better you feel, and the more likely you are to continue putting your best foot forward. “Ask a close friend for feedback on what your strengths are and then brainstorm ways to enhance these,” suggests Cape Town psychologist Janine Taylor.

▶ Keep a diary of at least one thing to do each day that boosts your strong points.

▶ Do a good deed. Being kind to others promotes self-esteem.

▶ Keep positive words nearby: on your fridge, stick Post-its on your mirror, your computer screen and car dashboard. This will keep you optimistic and ensure a healthier frame of mind. Repeat these words to yourself throughout the day as a means of encouragement (it’s probably best to do so quietly lest your colleagues think you’re loopy!)


Money doesn’t buy happiness. In fact, extra cash not only often fails to bring joy after basic needs are met, it can actually prevent it. “People who say making a lot of money is important to them are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and headaches — and less likely to report being satisfied with their lives,” says Tim Kasser, author of The High Price of Materialism (Bradford). According to Kasser’s research, time affluence — feeling you have enough time to pursue the things you want to — is a better predictor of a satisfied life than income. To avoid thinking about material possessions, meet a friend for tea at an outdoor cafĂ© rather than at the mall. And if that rush you get from buying a new pair of shoes intervenes, remember that this pleasure is momentary, and will disappear once you’ve worn the shoes a few times. “To achieve lasting contentment, you need to focus on experiences, not things,” says Kasser.


You love painting, scrapbooking or digging in your herb garden, but you have difficulty fitting creative time into your packed schedule. Consider this: “Creativity helps people adapt to life by making them more flexible and open to experiences,” says psychology professor Dean Keith Simonton. “This, in turn, fosters satisfaction and self-esteem.” Since the benefits come from the process rather than the product, you don’t have to paint like Picasso to feel the effect. If a drawing class seems too ambitious, add an “openness hour” to your day several times a week, suggests Simonton, and during that time, try something that sparks your curiosity; perhaps cooking a new recipe or reading poetry. Another way to broaden your horizons is to change your routine. Try a different restaurant or take in a concert rather than a movie. Break from the daily grind and watch as your mind expands — and your happiness level rises.


No, it’s not easy to cope with the idea that the colleague who sits opposite can’t seem to warm to you. But if you continue to fret over it, it’ll bring you down — and it won’t change her opinion. While friendship buffers stress, nega­tive relationships can pose real roadblocks to happiness. “If you take everyone’s judgment to heart, you surrender your own ability to view yourself clearly,” says Baker. Next time you find yourself thinking about your office nemesis or worrying over a comment made against you, pause for a moment and recall the last compliment you received from someone you trust. Remind yourself that he or she has a good sense of your character. Then think of the things you’ve accomplished that mirror that compliment. This simple act will turn you into your own biggest ally and make you feel powerful and in control.


Less is truly more when it comes to choices. Too many options can paralyse you, prompt you to make a poor decision, or leave you second-guessing yourself. A recent study published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that the fewer shops people went to, the easier it was for them to make decisions — and the more content they felt. “When we think there’s a more attractive alternative out there, even our good decisions leave us unsatisfied,” says Barry Schwartz, author of The Paradox of Choice (Ecco). “People who continually seek out the best of everything — be it a job, a mate, or a laptop — are more stressed and less fulfilled.” To reduce anxiety, don’t revisit a decision once it’s made. “Say to yourself that good enough is good enough,” suggests Schwartz. “Keep repeating the mantra until you believe it. At first it will be unsettling, but after a few weeks, you’ll feel liberated.” Finally, arbitrarily limit your options — whether you’re searching for a soul mate or a sole mate. “Make a rule: Three online profiles and I pick, or two shops and I decide.”


When your boss asked you a question at the meeting this morning and you mangled your answer, did you replay the scene in your mind for the rest of the day? If so, you probably have a habit of ruminating on your shortcomings — as do most women, says Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, author of Women Who Think Too Much (Henry Holt & Co). “My research shows that thinking about your mistakes obsessively drags you down and gives you a negative disposition. One problem leads to another and then another, and all of a sudden it seems as if your whole life is a mess,” says Nolen-Hoeksema. “Over time, this pattern makes you vulnerable to depression.” But it’s easier than it seems to break the cycle. Do something active and you’ll be forced to refocus: go for a run, or clean out those cupboards you’ve been neglecting. After you’ve cleared your mind, take a small step towards easing your concern, rather than dwelling on it. Still thinking about your morning mess-up at the office? Why not send a short e-mail to your boss with a correction. Worried about a rattle in your car or the state of your savings account? Make an appointment with a mechanic or a financial advisor. Just one small action can pop the bubble of worry surrounding you.


Relationships with close friends are one of the best vehicles to happiness,” says Ryan. “These bonds give us a sense of purpose and come with just as many emotional benefits as a romantic partner does.” Additionally, research shows that friends keep us healthy, reduce anxiety, and even foster longevity. In fact, friendships are so critical to a woman’s wellbeing that the opposite of friendship — social isolation — has been found to be as damaging to one’s health as heavy smoking, says the Harvard Medical School’s Nurses’ Health Study. To make the most of your ties to others, put the same energy into your relationships with your friends as you would into a relationship with a significant other. Be enthusiastic, set aside time for special activities together, and keep each other updated on your daily lives. Your reward? Your pals will do the same for you, which will create feelings of support, belonging, and gratification.


There’s a reason people tell you to stop and smell the roses: it’s not just the flower’s perfume that makes life better, but also the appreciation of it. “Gratitude is the cornerstone of happiness. It’s all about noticing what’s right in our lives instead of what’s wrong,” says Ryan. In a study from the Universities of Miami and California, people who were instructed to keep gratitude journals, recording every instance in which they were thankful, reported higher levels of enthusiasm, optimism, and energy than those who did not keep these diaries. The lesson? “Don’t wait for something big to happen to you to feel happy,” says Ryan. “Make yourself happy by noticing the good that’s already there.” Start a simple ritual. Write a phrase like “Be grateful” on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket or any other place you’ll notice it. Each time you touch or see the note, name one thing you appreciate. Before you know it, gratitude — and daily bliss — will become automatic.


Although it’s been proven time and again that working out lifts your mood, builds muscle, boosts metabolism, and improves sleep quality, we often let our exercise time slide. If a tight schedule is keeping you from lacing up your running shoes, keep this in mind: a study from Northern Arizona University in the US found that energy levels, fatigue, and mood improved after just 10 minutes of moderate exercise. After 20 minutes, the effects were even greater. Regular exercise is definitely a mood-booster and research has shown it to be as effective in treating mild depression as anti-depressant medication. “There is also a clear correlation between a healthy self-esteem and high levels of self-efficacy (a belief in your ability to do something successfully), and coping with high levels of stress. If you are exercising regularly, you are more likely to feel good about yourself,” says Kathy Mc Quaide, sports scientist and health promotions manager at the Sports Science Institute of SA. In addition, exercise provides a socially acceptable outlet for anger and hostility. “Repression of anger is definitely associated with certain disease states. In fact, depression is sometimes described as anger turned inwards,” she says.If loneliness is what’s making you miserable, exercise creates the perfect opportunity to make new friends: join a running club, sign up for yoga classes, take tennis lessons. If peace and quiet is what you need, exercise time is also a good time for solitude and reflection. An early morning run alone, a mountain bike ride through a forest at the weekend… “Exercise provides an opportunity for mastering new skills and realising different goals that are unrelated to current stressors. Focusing on something that is enjoyable and brings about such positive effects on one’s health, can be refreshing and invigorating,” says Mc Quaide. “Our SSISA Healthy Weight Programme subjects those who sign up for the eight-week programme to a questionnaire POMS (profile of moods states) at the beginning and end. Almost without fail, the fatigue and anger indices drop and the vigour and vitality scores increase after the eight week period,” Mc Quaide says.Worried you don’t have the time to exercise? Walk the stairs to your office rather than taking the lift; get yourself off the sofa and into the park at weekends, throwing Frisbee with your kids; get up half an hour earlier and take a fast walk or a jog around the block; leave your desk at lunchtime and take a stroll around the city; abandon the TV and exercise with the family; meet with your girlfriends for a walk rather than a glass of wine. Bonus: your interactions with others will increase, which will give your mood a double boost.


You have goals, both big and small; you make to-do lists and set priorities. So why don’t you feel fulfilled? “We find happiness when we derive pleasure as well as meaning from what we do,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a lecturer in positive psychology at Harvard. In other words, you may say family comes first, but if you work 14-hour days, you’re creating an internal conflict that chips away at your chances of happiness. When researchers from the University of Georgia examined the lives of people who reached 100, they found one of the most common things the centenarians shared was a sense of purpose they continued to pursue. If you work long hours but want to spend more time at home, start by leaving the office 15 minutes earlier each day until you’re there for just eight hours. And instead of saving all your leave days for one trip, set a few aside for your kids’ school events or for spending an afternoon with your partner.