new years eve about 5 or 6 o clock, Michelle and i went back to my apt from setting up the party to get my clothes and check on my dog and head back to Lisa's to get dressed for the party. We walk in the front door of my building ( which i live in an old fashioned 8 plex that is basically 2 4 plexes connected) and see that their is a walker in front of my neighbor below me's apt which seemed strange because if you use a walker wouldnt you take it in with you.
so i go upstairs, throw my clothes in a bag and grab my puppy to take him out and as i walk out of my apartment i see out the front window of the building that there are 2 police cars in front of my house! i was like ummmmm ok. so i walk downstairs and the police are helping carry out this old lady with her walker and a grocery bag of clothes...
i just stand there a minute and wait for them to get the mumbling slow lady out of the house and in walks my downstairs neighbor. I was like " umm whats going on" and he responds, "i get out of my shower to find this old hag sitting on my phone and when i looked at her she clear as day said 'do you have a phone?'"
he told her he didnt and that he was visiting and made her leave. she wouldnt get out so he pretty much had to push her into the hall way. awhile later he heard this banging on the walls and thought maybe i was doing something upstairs so he came out in the hallway to see what was going on. instead he found the old hag sitting on the ground banging her walker up against the walls so he called the police.
the police didnt even take her anywhere. she kept saying she needed to go to ben taub in austin but ben taub is down the road....
we left for the party with her walking up and down the sts of downtown yelling and cursing to herself.
oh the joys of urban living. ahaha
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