It all started when i was 17.... i was on my way to school to take my economics final just a few days before christmas and BAM i totaled my civic into the back of a classmates car. Let me tell you.... that experience just royally SUCKED! needless to say i had my first encounter with defensive driving.....
ironically, a drunk driver hit me about 6 weeks later right as i got my new car. fortunately i wasnt issued a ticket but even if i had.... it would have been to recent for defensive driving.
well not even a year later ( the following october) a friend of mine asked me late one night if i could go to austin with him to help him move some of his things back to houston. Since he drove a motorcycle he needed a car to bring back a few boxes. it was a pretty funny and random situation in fact. the phone call came in "hey wanna go to austin?" me: "sure. when?" "now!"
"ok when are we coming back?" " i dunno a few days" " well i gotta a test at 1 tomorrow can we come back in time for that" "yeah sure"
so we left for austin late that night, packed up some stuff and headed back the next morning in order for me to make it back to class..... well on highway 71 at the time NOTHING was out there. i was speeding and sure enough i went over a hill and there was the cop. before the lights even came on i was like "@#$%!!!!!!!"
My friend was like " emily dont worry about it you are a girl, you've gotten out of tickets before ( true story) just bat your eye lashes and you're good!"
well maybe if the cop wasnt Mrs. Dyke Cop 2003! omg she was scary....
She made me get out of the car and read me the riot act. She said " are you prepared to have someone drive your car home if i take you to jail?"
omg i could just see/hear and almost feel the anger in my father's voice if i had had to call him and say " umm daddy... funny story... i got arrested" omg i would not be living today.....
i did what i always do and i was polite lots and lots of yes maams. well apparently in Columbus that day there was NOTHING going on, so she called for backup. When backup arrived they ran my id and my friends and i could hear our info being called on their intercom to see what info they could pull on us. Unfortunately for them we were both 2 good kids who were just trying to do more than time allowed that day and they had NOTHING on us. She let me go, gave me FAT ticket and i got back in the car and laughed. i was in shock i guess. oh i guess i forgot a funny part. she was talking and blabbing and she had a love bug on the neck of her shirt and it was really aggrevating so i asked her if she could hold on a second and i grabbed the lovebug off her shirt smashed it and told her "ok keep going" she looked at me like " omg you have got to be kidding"
I made it back to houston, took my test and made an A. ya boi!
unfortunately since i had taken defensive driving within the year i opted for deferred judification. If you ever get a ticket in Columbus their DJ is only 60 days while most places its like 6 months. So one night at the end of my dj, i was working at a night club with one of my best friends. I sometimes stopped at taco cabana on westheimer on my way home because well it was the only thing open at that time of morning. Jamie had never been so i told her she should come. meanwhile i was bragging that it was the last day of my "probation". well i need to learn to not say things like that because as we were leaving TC a group of cops pulled in and one decided to pull in right behind me. his lights and his bumper were right at a height where i could not see them so i back up and SMASH i hit the car. omg i thought my life was over as i knew it. i got out of the car and the cop was cussing at me " you hit my effin car!!!!!!"
i was like " omg i am so sorry i couldnt see you, as long as your car is ok officer i am fine with whatever happened to mine"
Fortunately nothing happened to either. i hit the plastic grill on his license plate and it didnt even do anything to my car. i dont think i was even going 5mph. Jamie thought it was a riot she was laughing. However, they took our info and ran it and made us stay there forever. it didnt help that were in shorts, flipflops and they could probably see our bathinsuit tops poking out of our shirts. one cop was like " why are y'all out so late" we were like " we just got off work and we were hungry"
they held us for awhile to make us nervous i think and then just gave us back our license and told us to go home. Jamie would call laughing everytime she passed a TC for a good while after that. It was pretty funny.
So flash forward to may of 2006. I'm one week away from turning 21 and my friends and i got dressed up and went to have dinner. I'm in a cute cocktail dress and i am happy as can be. I'm driving North on I-10 headed towards 1604. I absolutely hate that interchange. I wonder how many people die there because it makes no sense and no one yields or anything..... I always got off and just took the access road to be safer. Well i'm cruising on the access road and all of a sudden flashing lights..... CRAP!
I was hoping that being dressed up and being sweet would help me out. I'm convinced the cop was gay... hahaha wrote me a ticket. Happy birthday to me. I thought if i went into court and looked nice maybe it would get dismissed.... well i put a suit on went in there for my time and i didnt even seen a judge. they just make you go through a line and stamp a paper. i was like geez i could have rolled in here in my pjs.....I spent a whole day that summer laying on my boyfriend at the time's bed using his laptop to do defensive driving one day. ugh it sucked. him and his friends were in the other room and i was stuck doing that. doesnt help that you have to spend so much time on each section. I kept finishing each one wiht like 20 minutes left so I could go hang out with them for a second and then had to go jump right back in the "captain obvious 101"
So April 2008 I am helping with a party for my Red Bull job. A classmate of mine was throwing a huge 70's Skate party. I was on my way dressed all 70's with a blonde afro wig and loud makeup..... I was driving down Huebner headed through leon Valley ( i think) towards this skating rink. Huebner was always 40 over by my apt and close to 1-10. well i missed the slow down to 30 and apparently the cops there are ruthless. He pulls me over and again i am like CRAP!
So, i pull over and he asks me why i was speeding and i told him i wasnt familiar with the area and where i was used to the speed limit was 10 miles faster. He asks me where i work and i told him i wored for Reggianos and he asked where i was going and i told him a party and i thanked him for not laughing at my wig/costume and he said' " well is that your work outfit?" ummmm did he think reggiano's was a strip club? a themed 70's strip club? weirdo If your my friend on facebook one of my profile pictures is me in the blonde fro.. check it out...
So after i graduated and moved home.... i sat in my room and did defensve driving....AGAIN....
Well in december a week before i left for Costa Rica, i was headed to the gym to work out one morning... I could have sworn the speed limit on West gray was 40. I always slowed down in the school zone, but mr copper caught me. The ironic this was the day before my coworker and i were telling pull over stories and she told me of her friend that was pulled over and before the cop could get to her she dumped a glass of water in her lap to make it look as if she was speeding cus she had to pee. I had water right next to me and it didnt cross my mind until after he was gone. ARGH! My car registration had never come in the mail after i registered online so he was like "maam your car needs to be registered." so i said " well it is they just havent mailed it to me" Fortunately with technology he could look it up on his computer and he saw i was telling the truth. i went on my merry way to the gym like GREAT! So like a revolving door or traveling boyfriend, defensive driving is once again.... back in my life. yippee!
I've had some other instances but i was given a warning.... lets hope this is the last time for awhile.... although it does leave for some interesting stories....
moral of the story......stop SPEEDING Mr.s Gonzalez (reference to cartoon character Speedy Gonzalez)