So i know its February and most people have their "resolutions" January 1st. I however
don't like resolutions... i prefer to have goals to strive towards and have taken some time to think about what my goals are.... So here they are.... i will probably add some more later
1) Travel to at least one new domestic city and one new international city.Last year I traveled quite a bit and would like to continue that trend now that I am at a point where I can
financially afford to. The new places i went last year were:
Las Vegas, All over New Hampshire, All over coast of Maine, Atlanta, and all over Costa Rica.
This year I am hoping to get to: New Orleans, Acapulco and either Hawaii or Virgin Islands. Hopefully maybe a trip to Vegas or up to the North West
2)Be more organizedI've always been organized, but I find that when i come home the last thing i want to do is organize files, papers, etc... and then i find myself weeks or whatever later needing to put things away and file them, or just throw it away. It
doesn't help that my apartment is super small with not much storage room. I'd like to reanalyze my current system.
3)Achieve my fitness goal of 15-20% Body fatI've been working on this for awhile. Boy have I come a very long way. I've changed my life, my mentality and my body and it feels great. Its not at the point where i gotta push even harder and its so easy to get burned out. I gotta keep mixing it up and staying focused!
4) Have no credit card debtWhile my little bit of debt is nothing compared to other people's, its still debt and i hate it. Yes i have a plan and it will happen. Changing my lifestyle and my body is not cheap. having a personal trainer, eating healthy and trying new things for myself was well worth it though. Once i am debt free i will be in an even better place to be able to do all those things i love to do for myself!
5)Continue to grow my savingsI have always had weekly
with drawls from my checking to my savings and i Hope that once my debt is done, that weekly 3% (12% of my monthly) of my income that is
transferred into my savings can be increased to an even higher percentage so that I can keep traveling and have money for other large expenses that the future may hold.
6) Visit friends i don't see often.I have a lot of friends and family that live in various cities around Texas that I really should take the time to go visit more frequently!!!! I also have friends in other states that i should find the time and the money to go see them and catch up!
7) Complete the warrior dashIt happens the weekend before my 25
th birthday. its gonna be nuts and one crazy time!
8) try something/place totally new each monthlast year i tried to venture out of my comfort zone and try new places and things to do. last year i tried rock climbing and fell in love with it and did it quite a bit. Some other things i tried included: rock climbing, adult gymnastics, spinning,
Bikram yoga, airbrush tanning, waxing, zip lining, white water rafting, canyoning, surfing, and probably a few other things.... I also tried a lot of new foods and restaurants and plan on continuing to do that.
The cool thing about all those new things, is that it either created a new hobby/habit with my current friends or it introduced me to new friends!
This year i signed up to take a pole dancing class. No i do not want to be a stripper, but i thought it would be fun and challenging. Apparently its a great workout. I
wouldn't mind getting back into a dance class as well. maybe skydiving or
bungee jumping will be on this years list....
9) Use coupons more oftenI have tried and tried to be good at this, and if you have read my other blogs, i am always looking for new ways to save money, or get two for one etc... its really hard to find coupons when you only eat fresh produce/ fresh meat/ and nuts.... but i want to try....
The more money i
don't spend at the store, the more i can put into savings or towards debt
10) Increase my mental recipesI have lots of cookbooks and i try and cook new recipes, but when i am in my kitchen and i need to make something quick, or i am at the store and i need to remember what i need... i always buy and cook the same things and that monotony is what makes me want to go eat out, or cheat on my healthy eating.... i need to broaden that mental
recipe book of mine so that I can stay focused on the prize!
11) Not hold onto stuff i don't useI recently cleaned out my closet of clothes that are either too big, or i
don't wear as well as accessories and old formals etc.... I need to go through my old text books and only keep the ones that i know i will reference.... So far i have sold and made some cash off some of my findings in my closet.... some of my friends have
benefited from it too!
12) Learn how to use a sewing machineI used to know how to use one, but if i still did... when i cant find an outfit i want at the mall, i could make it. Or when i lose weight and my dresses and pants
don't fit i can fix it myself...
I'd really just like to be able to get creative with it when i feel like it!
13)Become more involved with philantrophyI wanted to become involved with the children's hospital last year but it required interviews and a set schedule on volunteering. I want to find some sort of organization that helps kids or pets, or both and do something useful. I know i have a bit heart and some insightful
wisdom to kids i just need to put it to good use.
14) get my interior design licensePlanning on taking the exam in October.... bit scary... and expensive....
15) begin to study for my personal training certificationI feel my interiors
NCIDQ exam is a first
priority as well as i want to
achieve my fitness goals first before i begin to help others achieve