About a month ago i wrote about my goals for the year and well i thought i would write a little status update one month into it! if you didnt read it go here
1) Travel to at least one new domestic city and one new international city.
Well, i got my one domestic city out of the way.... went to New Orleans with a friend over Superbowl weekend which was a blast.... now just gotta make something internationally happen. I am thinking maybe towards the end of the year....
2)Be more organized
well i have cleaned out a lot but i still want to reorganize my filing system etc.... so this is still a work in progress
3)Achieve my fitness goal of 15-20% Body fat
This is an everyday work.... doing well on my new nutrition plan for the year. Stuck to it and feeling great....
4) Have no credit card debt
well DONESKI!!!! thanks to some hard work, being frugal and a bonus i can say I am free!!!!
5)Continue to grow my savings
well now that the credit card is gone i can put that payment into my savings and let it grow and grow and grow and be able to continue traveling and save for bigger things down the road
6) Visit friends i don't see often.
this hasnt happened yet, but its still early!
7) Complete the warrior dash
well i registered today!!! i wish i had been on it and registered earlier so i could run the first day with my buddies braden and brandon but my friend morgan and i will be running it on that sunday exactly a week before my 25th birthday!!!!!
8) try something/place totally new each month
i am sure i tried something new but having a brain fart as to what it was..... i have started frequenting the book store which is new for me :)
9) Use coupons more often
like i said its hard to use coupons when you only eat natural foods, but i did use a coupon when buying my new tires a few weeks ago.... as well as out at a few restaurants
10) Increase my mental recipes
with my new nutrition plan i have had to try all kinds of new things and i have broaden my horizons and what i can make off the top of my head. so this one has a big fat CHECK!
11) Not hold onto stuff i don't use
Well i cleaned out my closet and i posted the items for sale. i sold a few purses and i have all my formals that i am taking to resale, so hopefully some girl will look beautiful from my collection of formal gowns
12) Learn how to use a sewing machine
havent even touched this one yet....
13)Become more involved with philantrophy
havent touched this one either... opps
14) get my interior design license
i am registered to take the exam october of this year.... have my paperwork and everything complete and my study material as already arrived!!!!!
15) begin to study for my personal training certification
every day that i learn something new helps prepare me for this, but after my ncidq i will be on it!
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