this weekend i was in san antonio for my best friends birthday and she was excited that her friends's boyfriend was bringing his friend who just so happened to be the olympic gold medalist this year in bobsledding. I wont say his name but if you are that interested.... google it. You'll find him.
i was excited too, not even going to lie. I loved the movie Cool Runnings from back in the day and how many Texans can say they know a bobsledder... i mean really? So i thought it would be neat to meet a bob sledder and an olympian. I was a bit skeptical if he would be full of himself and my friend told me from what she had seen on TV he seemed really nice. I was still skeptical as i figured it might have been his nerves on TV keeping him grounded.
Well he came to dinner and he sat on the opposite end of the table from me so i didn thave much interaction, but later when it was cake time i moved down to that end to help her cut and serve her cake as well as take pictures. well he seemed nice enough. he helped me get the cake out of the box, light the candles, even took pictures of us singing to her and serving the cake. i thought " wow he might be a non big inflated ego kinda guy" WRONG!!!!
I sat down there probably 20 minutes and the entire time he didnt stop talking about himself. it wasnt even about olympic stuff it was about anything and everything him he could come up with. how he used to wake up and cross the street and eat all his neighbors eggs and little debbie cakes while he was sleeping and he would eat them and watch him sleep and then deny it when he woke up. UMMMM and i care because? Then he went on and on about other stupid pointless stuff just cus he thought he was SOOOO COOL.
So we leave the restaurant to go to a bar and he was saying goodbye ( THANK GOD! I wish i could have my 20 minutes of my life back!) and he had his big Olympic jacket on and commented to me that my sweater was probably not going to keep me warm. So then he goes on and on about his jacket and how he shipped it down here and how he never thought he would have an opportunity in texas to get to wear it so he thought he should. Then this girl walked over and asked for his autograph. AHH GEEZ!
I dunno. i guess i wasnt surprised he was a tool bag but i was hoping there might still be some young athletes out there who's parents raised them not to be a big shot. i guess i had hoped he would at least ask the other people ( esp the bday girl) about herself. From the other people at the table who sat by him the whole dinner, i got the best of it and only endured 20 minutes and not hours. Who knows... maybe he was always a big dumb jock who liked to hear the sound of his voice or maybe winning a gold medal put him over the edge.... still. it put a big dent in my view of athletes, olympians and bobsledders.......
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