Maria Todd is back on the radio and she posed a good point. The people are so big they are immobile, so who buys them the 3 cheesecakes a day, the ridiculous amount of junk and feeds it to them? They are enabling it. It reminds me of when i worked at red lobster and parents would feed their kids just french fries. oh that would upset me so much. way to get your kids off to a healthy start. I cant tell you how many times my parents made me sit at the table and finish everything that was green on my plate and i'm so glad they did!
Its interesting at how we are becoming more educated about health, weight, nutrition etc but yet there is this obesity epidemic. Watching the biggest loser and conversations with some of my friends i dont understand how some people arent even the SLIGHTEST big educated or knowledgable about food labels. its like Greek to them.
There is this new TV show coming out on ABC (the name slips my mind at the moment) about nutrition in schools and america. I'm REALLY hoping that like the biggest loser trend, it takes off and people become more inspired to think about what they put in their mouths and that you can still eat great tasting food ( even BETTER TASTING) without clogging your arteries and shortening your life. We're given one life, one body and i think we should make it be the best and make it last as long as we can.
Check out this article..... its quite sad The world's heavist people
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