This is way over do, but several weeks ago i watched the season finale of several of my favorite shows.
Two of which were the Biggest Loser and the show Parenthood. Both on NBC.
I absolutely love how both shows have shown such a transformation in the people on the show. The Biggest Loser more so on their outward transformation and how that effects them in their lives. Parenthood you see all the characters transform and shape. The parents with their child aith austism, the grandparents and their marriage, the 2 cousins fighting over a guy and my personal favorite is crosby and how he has transformed with the knowledge and love he now feels knowing he has a 5 year old son. He's been my favorite transformation.
The biggest loser finale put such a big smile on my face.... esp when O'neil ( aka uncle) came out. He is such a sweet man and such a GREAT DAD. i"m a sucker for father daughter stories.
Anyways, he jumped down the stairs when on the show he couldnt do stairs at all.
Just about everyone on the show changed drastically! I think this was by far, my favorite season of Biggest Loser. They all made such positive physical, mental, emotional, and internal changes. I just LOVE IT!
I watched the new Jillian Micheals show last night and its crazy to see some of these people's emotional and mental states and whats holding them back... what their fears are. I love that NBC is doing this and hope it inspires other people to DO SOMETHING. nothing is worse than someone complaining about their life out of control ( in their work, weight, relationships, financially)and doing nothing about it. I love these shows that show proactiveness!
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