My trip to Dallas and the Warrior Dash

First off, my weekend up there was amazing and boy do i have some AMAZING FRIENDS!!!
I got up to Arlington Thursday night and swung by to see Braden at Houlihans. Had a snack and avoided the old man next to me trying to get friendly lol and headed to Toneisha's when she got out of class. Her and I stayed up super late just chit chatting. It was so great to see her. It had been to long since her and I just were alone to catch up.
The next morning we woke up and ate and got ready for our adventure. i hadnt had carbs in months and that morning i had special k ( judge me all you want I LOVE IT) and that afternoon i felt like i was on crack. it was hilarious how the sugar effected me. We started the afternoon off by going to Plato's Closet and did a little shopping. Toe had never been before so I had to introduce her to it! I bought 2 things for work and we headed off to an area called the highlands where we shopped and ate sushi at Piranha. It was delicious!

After lunch we drove to the West End of Dallas and walked around and took photos of some of the buildings the the street art we encountered.

On our way our we saw several bus loads of the polygomists parked right next to us. we took a few photos and tried to be slick about it, but they probably knew.... ah well.
We left and went to a ritzy part of Dallas and Toe took me to get Frozen yogurt( my fave) since i hadnt had any in FOREVER!!! omg it was great.

We left Dallas and drove to Lewisville to see my oldest friend Kristin. Kristin was kind enough to let me dig through all the things she had cleaned out of her closet. ( let me tell you i racked up... she's awesome) the picture below was one of my faves.... hehehe

We got back to Arlington and cleaned up and met up with the boys at Fuzzy's tacos for dinner and then to Dukes for some drinks.

The next morning the boys ran in the Warrior Dash. The three of us got up there early to scope it out. Omg the stupid guy at the parking lied to us and told us we were at the closest lot to the event. WRONG. We walked FOREVER! I was like " ummm maybe this treck to the site is in fact the warrior dash..."
There were lots of costumes. i think the smurfs were my favorite. My least favorite.... girls that strapped fake penises to their shorts and were acting so gross with them. Really?! I bet your parents are so proud....

The boys did awesome. I held on to this guys bag while he ran and he finished up with them. i felt bad i tried to time it so that i could watch them hurdle the fire and crawl through the mud before the finish line, but they were faster than they expected. I was waiting and waiting and all of a sudden i feel this wet thing on the back of my foot and it was brandon trying to sneak up on me! :( i missed them but i'm just glad i was there. Braden and Brandon are 2 of the greatest guys i've EVER known. it was awesome to have this experience with them!

Afterwards, they dropped me off at Toe's apt and her and I went to get drinks and desserts while the boys showered and ordered pizza. We did what Toe and I love most and had..... GAME NIGHT! Kristin and her boyfriend Ricky came over and we had a blast!

Kristin and I!!!

Our pieces for the game Quelf

Braden had to have his belt wrapped around his head the whole game and part of the game he had to have his hands stuck to his head. brandon for awhile had to slap his knee and say "whackawhackawhacka" everytime someone laughed. needless to say thats was the only thing out of his mouth for ...quite awhile. Toneisha's husband Evan had to have a picture of peroxide on his forehead the whole night. Such a random but fun game!

Then we played dirt.... i think us girls had the most dirt.... lol

The next morning Morgan drove up from Austin and we headed out with the boys to the race site again!

They're the best. Love you guys!

The race was a blast. I cant even describe to you how much mud there was and how deep it was. you saw shoes everywhere from people who had lost them. Some of the obstacles were a little janky and over played on the website. Some on the other hand were underplayed. they said you had to go down a river bank, but they made slides out of the mud ( my favorite part) and then they said you would have to wade through a river.... well there were parts i couldnt stand and you have to hurdle huge logs. Fortunately Braden and Brandon warned me about that part. omg we had a blast!!!!! I got some more photos from the photographers but i need to edit them and put them up.
Fire hurdles at the end

Mud under barbed wire before the finish line

Right after finishing... like morgans banana and my facial expression lol?

After getting hosed down in the freezing water


Great weekend. I love challenges, i love friends, laughter and memories. Definitely a lot of memories and reminders of how each of these people are a blessing in my life! XOXO
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