I'm always trying new stuff whether its a new store, restaurant, service, book, vacation spot, website etc and I like to write/rave on it. I'm also random and go on random rants about things that i think are funny, annoying, or that excite me. Welcome to my collection of random thoughts :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why I am glad the Osama incident happened right after the Royal Wedding...

Its been a crazy weekend!  For many Friday and Saturday was a long day of getting up early and watching the Royal Wedding and all the coverage just to find out Sunday night the great news that Osama Bin Laden is dead!  Lots of rejoicing for many. 

I'm really happy of the timing because I feel the issues of the war and terrorism etc greatly outweigh what dress Kate, I'm sorry Katherine, wore on her wedding day....

While I'm very aware of the significance of the Royal Wedding and that it is part of our history.  It was blown out of proportion and thats why i get annoyed with it.  I think its great that 2 people fell in love and can have a real life Cinderella fairy tale.  I think for many women they live vicariously through Kate (sorry not gonna type out katherine every time), but as with a million other celebrity issues, our nation gets so wrapped up in the superficial.  I do not think I heard one person comment on their vows or how in love the look, it was all about her dress, how he isnt cute anymore cus he is bald, what other people were wearing, her ring, etc....  We do this at a lot of weddings.  Isnt the point that two people are commiting their life to each other?  Isnt that why we cry at weddings because we are so happy to be in the presence of eternal love?  Maybe I am a hopeless romantic, but isnt that the real reason to wake up at 2 am to watch the wedding?

Not just the US but the world economy is not doing well.  Our own nation is struggling to pay for the education system, meanwhile our nation's broadcasting spends millions to cover days worth of replays of the wedding and chitchat on opinions on her dress and flowers and all that.  Why the overload?  Is one channel not enough?  Do we really need days worth of covering in times of DVR and OnDemand?  Can't that money be invested in our own children's education system for goodness sakes amongst a million other things that we need to fix over here.  Its like when Michael Jackson died and the nation had nothing else to report on for a month!  Ya he influenced our lives, our music and our culture, but there was a lot more going on in this world than MJ!

While getting my coffee last week the news was on and they were mentioning the wide spread of products that were on sale because of the wedding.  Someone had produced " the royal condoms" and " kiss me kate beer" amongst a million other things.  Props to them for capitalizing on it, but shame on us for having our priorties all mixed up.  While the purchase of these things does boost the economy, cant we spend our money on other things to help our economy.  here is an article just on how much money was made from all these things.

Now what about that actual wedding.... see this article on the breakdown of a few things and how the
taxpayers had to pay for security which so happened to be the most expensive thing on the ticket.

The wedding was speculated to boost the economy, the extra day off cost lots of productivity in England which hurt the economy.

So while the wedding was a happy break from the recent disasters in Japan and constant economy talks, and war.... an even  happier and more important issue happened right after.  Osama Bin Laden was found and killed.  While the planning has been under wraps for awhile, I'm sure we will hear more details of what happened as time continues.  We can  his death at the almost 10 year mark of 9/11.  A real significant moment in our history!  I'm sure all of us remember that day and where we were and how it impacted our lives.  I'm sure we all know at least one person who has served over seas as a result of that day.  I am so grateful to all of them for sacraficing their lives, their time, their happiness even to be in the conditions they were in to keep us safe and free.

So anyways, I hope people understand the importance and significance of this is and that while the Royal Wedding is a good and happy thing, like anything else, it should remain in context and in control.

Have a good day.  GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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