I'm always trying new stuff whether its a new store, restaurant, service, book, vacation spot, website etc and I like to write/rave on it. I'm also random and go on random rants about things that i think are funny, annoying, or that excite me. Welcome to my collection of random thoughts :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bikram Yoga

So I tried Bikram Yoga for the first time this week...

Not gonna lie, totally skeptical at first. In fact I've seen studios around for years and I thought to myself " what person in their right mind would want to do that? I mean shoot, its hot and sticky and probably some people who shouldn't wear skimpy clothes doing so"

Not my desire what so ever!!!

Well an old friend mentioned he did it and really liked it so I thought, "OK, I'll try anything once. if it doesn't kill me it will make me stronger!"

So Tuesday I drank water all day long. I was super paranoid I would faint or pass out as i don't like sticky hot places. So I went and let me tell you that as soon as I walked in that hot room I just about turned around and walked out. It was ridiculous!!!!!

My friend had told me that you get acclimated to the heat within five minutes and my first instinct was to deck him and rub a sweaty towel in his face for putting me up to this but I figured shoot he does this several times a week, there must be some method to his madness.

So I laid there and stretched for a few minutes and waited for the instructor to come in and start the class. You have to be quiet in the room before, during and after the class which was weird for me as i am a chatty Cathy. I wanted to be like "psstt guian how was your day... dude its hot in here.... are you sure about this?" Instead i laid there quiet and starred at the ceiling. it reminded me of a few fights i got into with an ex of mine. where you're laying there next to them but no one says a word and you just stare at the ceiling like ok what now....

So as i am laying there i am like wow i am used to the heat and omg i am not sweating....

Well the instructor comes in and we get started. she's super sweet and energetic and encouraging to it being my first time. I'm not sure what to expect so I just smile and get started. within the first stretch the sweat started to drip...

Throughout the 90 minutes I flexed and bended in ways I didn't know I could. I mean I knew I could when I was 17 and in dance class and could kick my forehead with my shin, but I'm not as flexible anymore. Some of the poses made me think "who comes up with this?" It was great though. I sweated bullets. I sweat in places I didn't know had pores. I thought 90 minutes would drag but it went by really quick. some of the poses were hard but some of them reminded me of dance class and I just had to get myself back into that mentality of thinking.

When it was over I felt so great. I have a great metaphor for how it made me feel but i am just gonna keep that to myself. haha further inquiries might be lucky enough to hear it. its just long and i don't feel like typing it.

So I went back yesterday for a second dose. One cus I loved it and 2 cus I had a free class i needed to use.

Loved it just as much. Different instructor who was very helpful and insightful. He even stepped on your feet and messaged them a little bit in different poses which was AWESOME. only complaint... He was a hair old guy without a shirt and I think it should be mandated that if your old and you are hairy and gonna go shirtless that you do something about the hair... just sayin

So today I am a bit sore, but its a good sore. I feel like i got a great stretch and feel super loose and limber. I love it.

Try it out. You will feel great afterwards!!!

Here are the poses.... http://www.bikramyoga.com/Yoga/26Postures.htm

oh and I tried this after and it was super delicious http://www.zico.com/

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