So while I know i am young and all this jazz as my parents and people older than me say... HOLY CRAP WHERE DID TIME GO?
Last night my best friend and i were eating dinner with my dad and stepmom and i made some comment like, "omg i am gonna be 25 here soon" and my dad and sm said " you're young wait til you get to 35 then the years really fly by!" what the hell?? time already does fly by. shoot yesterday i was 4 and i was Jem from Jem and the rockers for Halloween. Today I'm 24 and gonna be in some tiny costume i probably fit into when i was 4 as well. aye ya ya.
so last night it was about 11 and my friends and i are finishing up some martinis and i could have sworn it was like 2 am. i was like holy crap i am tired. then we looked at the time and WOWSERS it was early. i'm usually bouncing off the walls at that time during the week ( usually cus i just worked out a few hours before). SO my best friend and i came home and talked, tried on our costumes blah blah about 1 went to sleep and when did i wake up. 8 am!! i tried real hard to go back to bed but i cant. corporate life has kept me from sleeping in. granted its a beautiful day so i am ok with enjoying the sun come in my windows but goodness... i used to be "sleeping beauty"
So another conversation with the parentals came up last night and that was dressing up for Halloween and Michelle said that one of her friends has said " oh i'm too old to dress up" what kind of hogwash is that? i think i will dress up forever. obviously as i get older and have children the tiny costumes will switch to probably funny iconic costumes, but shoot dressing us for Halloween is like something i look forward too every year.
It makes me miss college actually. in college there would always be like 5 Halloween parties stretched between the weekend before and the weekend after halloween and i never liked wearing the same thing to a party so i would be 4-5 different things.... what a blast.
so my dad wants michelle and i to try and help the church carnival today, which we might, however costumes not included cus well its church and you should be covered up at church i believe, but.... they are working the cookie booth to help little kids decorate cookies. now typically i would be like oh heck ya i am gonna eat a load of cookies. when they told me they had 500 cookies i about puked. Stuff like that, that gave me so much joy as a kid and even a year or so ago make me sick... too sweet i cant handle it anymore. my response was " cant i just work the bouncy house and jump around in there and smack around some kids who are mean to the tiny kids. you know regulate?" my dad said, " well thats the singles dept to do that" and i said," well dad i'm single hello!" and he said, " well the director of that dept is old enough to be my mother so what does that tell you about the singles dept" haha OLD LADIES NEED LOVE TOO DAD.. and i'm right there behind her shoot.
lol i hope this plan to go on a trip when i turn 25 works out... right morgan? :)
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