I'm always trying new stuff whether its a new store, restaurant, service, book, vacation spot, website etc and I like to write/rave on it. I'm also random and go on random rants about things that i think are funny, annoying, or that excite me. Welcome to my collection of random thoughts :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Playdoh and body parts

So everyone and their grandma has played with playdoh at some parts in their life, shoot probably everyone has probably eaten playdoh out of curiousity sometime in their life...

My friend and i were talking the other day about how when we loose weight, we wish we could redistribute it where you want it so this was my thought.

How cool would it be if our skin, muscles, fat were like playdoh and what you didnt want you could just pinch off, roll it around, reshape it and stick it where you wanted in areas that needed some reinforment/enhancement...???

i think that would be amazing. granted i guess the terminology for this now is called plastic surgery but its too bad it just cant be our own tissue. And shoot if you feel you have too much in one area but dont want to stick it anywhere else you can put it back in the jar for another day or you can share your playdoh with someone else.

I think when i get to heaven i'm gonna ask God that and he's probably going to tell me something like this " Emily i did it so people like you would wonder and ask me this question and think about it, if your body was made of removable tissue what protection would you have from the elements, what sort of physics would playdoh provide that skin/muscle/fat etc do"

and i'll probably respond" well god you have a point but since you are capable of anything you could have made playdoh capabale of those things"

and then he'll probably say " always gotta come back with something huh. While this is true child i think that would be taking the easy road and the quick fix and if you had playdoh bodies like gumby you'd probably be thinking oh when i get to heaven i am gonna ask God why our bodies werent more rigid instead of mushy and moldy"

and then i'll probably say touche!

however, its a cool thought.


  1. work must be so busy.... lol
    sitting there creating hypothetical conversations with god
    you're hillarious

  2. Hahaha I remember that conversation!
