So this weekend was my first experience in Atlanta and like always i gotta write about what i did, why i did it and what i learned this weekend...
My cousin ashlyn's birthday was last week and i had originally told her that i couldnt go and to surprise her, her boyfriend flew me out and we schemed to surprise her. He picked me up from the airport and we went to her favorite little spot in Grant Park and waited. The waited downstairs and I sat upstairs in the bar until he came up and told me what table they were sitting at. I walked over and the look on her face was priceless as i sat down. She was like "omg are you serious"
I had her led to beleive that Scott's big surprise was a cake and i joked with her that a midget stripper was gonna pop out. To be funny we bought her a mini little cake and i put a little mermaid candle on it since she is half naked... closest thing i could get....
What we did.....
After dinner at Tin Lizzy's we caught a cab across town to Buckhead and went to a bar called Moondogs. It was a really cool place. In fact before i even say anymore... Atlanta is a really cool place. I only saw grant park and buckhead and it was totally somewhere i could get used too.
So moondogs had lots of rooms, the bartender has his dog behind the bar with him and well ladies if you are in ATL and looking to meet lots of guys, any type of guy.... well you can go there cus every kind of guy was well represented there.
We had a blast... i danced, i mingled, i flirted, i drank... as always i had fun.
My friend Audrey that i havent seen in years came out and had a great time catching up with her and laughing at old memories.
Saturday ash has homework so after eating at Bluebird cafe she did homework at dakota blue while i explored grant park and walked around. I wish my camera had had more battery so i could have taken more photos. it was so nice!
We had dinner at this super cool, super chill hole in the wall called solstice. it was totally my kind of place. dark, trendy, loungy but super casual. you could wear anything in there and we totally had dinner and wine on a big fluffy sofa and coffee table. their menu was unique and their own. I loved it. Audrey and her friend Will met up with us there and while they ate i got ready and met back up with them. From there the three of us went back to Tin Lizzy's to watch the rest of the football game and have drinks. After that we went back to Buckhead and watched the Manny Pacquiao fight at Cheyenne Grill. Pac man whooped on on Cotto. It was awesome. I love boxing.
After that we relocated to another really cool, multiroom irish pub that had dancing and a firepit and all kinds of cool stuff. I think we were all pretty tired and called it a night early.
The next day we went out to Loganville so i could see Ash's mom and sisters and we had a really fun time. her youngest sister is just precious. She liked to play on my blackberry and wrote some random comments all over facebook which cracked me up.
I flew back shortly after that and was happy to be reunited with my puppy...
If you want to check out some of the places we went here you go
What I learned....
I learned A LOT... however part of that out of respect for other people i will keep to myself....however
1) Atlanta is not what i expected... it totally reminded me alot of houston and dallas
2) new yorker guys are very forward... i need to add a funny section to this... basically i flirted with this guy and he said some weird stuff about how he wanted to continue to hang out with me but he didnt know where he would end up sleeping and when i kept saying " um why wouldn tyou go home i am not that kind of girl..." he proceeded with " ok look i am attracted to you enough to say this... you wanna have a slumber party with me or not" i said " nope and have a good night!"
3) its pretty obvious when you arent from around somewhere. i noticed that the trend for Georgia girls was leggings, boots and long tops. my black vintage cocktail dress at mooondogs was a clear indicator i wasnt from around there
4) i eat a crap ton. and if i dont i get cranky and i feel like i might die and then later in the day my head hurts so bad i nearly pass out
5) relationships are hard and sometimes the hardest part is realizing when to call it a loss and move on. life is too short to be unhappy or to fight
6) no matter how many years its been... its always great to catch up with family. younger cousins are so wonderful and make me smile for days afterwards with their sweet nature
7) no matter where you go or who you are with remaining true to yourself is always the best thing. i am always my loud crazy honest self and i'm glad i dont pretend to be someone i am not
8) good friends are good friends no matter how few times you have seen them or not. bonds are bonds and memories are memories...
ehhh maybe more later.....