I'm always trying new stuff whether its a new store, restaurant, service, book, vacation spot, website etc and I like to write/rave on it. I'm also random and go on random rants about things that i think are funny, annoying, or that excite me. Welcome to my collection of random thoughts :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

hair did

So if i blogged what i am really thinking or wanting to blog right now i would probably regret it and/or get myself in trouble so zippin up my mouth! in any case thought i would write about a stupid dilemna of mine that makes no difference what so ever on my life, yours or anyone elses... lol

So i have been wanting to change my hairdo for quite some time.... i really wanted a short do and well anyone who knows me from highschool remembers when i chopped all my hair off above my ears. i think it had maybe a shelf life of 5 days where it looked cute and then the curliness of my hair just didnt work out.

I've asked a million opinions on if they thought a short a line bob would look weird with curly hair. i googles a bajillion photos. Couldnt find one that was right.... found a few curly ones and well they looked totally busted to put it nicely....

Fortunately with having curly hair i can totally hit up TGI Haircutters on Wednesday for 11 dollar haircuts... nothing to my hair... just trim it, add some layers, trim my bangs and shoot you dont even have to blow it dry or style it. This comes in super handy but change is good from time to time. Since i REFUSE to color my hair cutting it was only the next option.

well i just got it cut like 3 weeks ago and yesterday on msn i came across this article http://lifestyle.msn.com/your-look/makeup-skin-care-hair/staticslideshowallure.aspx?cp-documentid=22496730&gt1=32002

Basically the first slide says "corkscrews and short hair do not mix"

Well MSN where were you 3 months ago when i wanted to go CHOP CHOP. AYE.

Anyways, some of them are pretty funny.... THATS ALL FOLKS

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Holiday Shopping... good find!!!

So Christmas is almost here and EEEEKKKK that means we gotta start shopping... Ah geez

Usually i have mine done by now for the most part and sadly enough there is only one gift i have gotten so far and that was a gift i had made for my mother.... ( she already knows what it is too)

I have a catalog i do alot of my shopping from and inside of it i have a list of who gets what from each page... have i ordered from it... no

Well again on my 2 and a half hour flight i was reading Cosmo and when i wasnt learning about this confession and this sex tip ( which if you pay attention they are all the same they just rotate them... and for the most part if you have to read cosmo to know what you are doing well... i'm very sorry for you...) or about this makeup or clothing designer... i came across a really neat find.

Online there are several websites that help you compile lists for yourself as well as other people so it could be your wish list, your baby registry, wedding registry, list ideas for grandma's 80th bday... WHATEVER...

well this particular website even helps you compare prices and you can buy it right off the website through the link to where it is sold....

If you want to check it out go to http://www.wishpot.com/

They've got everything from DVDs, electronics, and super cute fashion/accessories....

I found myself going "ok this would be good for mom... ooohhh these five outfits would look great in my closet.... oh aunt shelagh would like this.... oh check out that handbag!" ( hahah story of my life)

I think its genious... i am an avid list maker, an avid person on organization and shoot from now on when mom or dad says " what do you want for christmas/bday/kwanza/st patties day (haha)?" i can say " check out my list suckas!"

Although i dont think my dad would like hot pink bra and panties i have on my wish list right now... oops

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy and happy shopping/wishing

Vanity.... dilemna solved

Vanity... its a issue that everyone deals with
Some people are more vain than others and some people's appearance and how others perceive them is more important to them than what it may be to someone else.....

Lately i have had a few conversations with friends about my own vanity. I'm at a point in my life where i am really happy with who i am, inwardly, outwardly, spiritually, etc.... however there is always that struggle for something more.

I've joked with a few friends and said "what should my next big selfish purchase be? A bike (motorcycle), a boat, or new boobs?"
Like i said they are all selfish purchases, but for the majority of things we buy ourselves they are selfish... right?

I'd talked to my mom and even a few friends ( guy friends included) about the fact that i had seriously been considering a boob job. I knew my dad would not be happy and that bothered me but the part that bothered me the most was that i would be doing it for pure vanity.....

My chest used to be really big. it was commented on ALL the time and yeah there were times it was annoying when guys would stare at your chest instead of your face but as a woman there is so much pressure to be this curvy, vivacious vixen in a way and after loosing a ton of weight and two cup sizes it felt weird not having these giant things on my chest. Like i said, it felt different and while i am happy with myself i wondered what i would be like to feel transformed but have the girls back again......

sometimes it sucks being a girl because with things like our chest size and a society so focused on appearance its easy for others to compare because they are out there to the world. Now guys we know that you all compare yourselves based on size ( which is so silly) but think about it, if you suddenly shrunk no one but who you show would know cus its concealed to the world. Unfortunately us girls cant conceal things like that as easily.... granted a good bra can help but its not the same.....

So i struggled with the idea of getting it done or not. should i do it just because i miss them and take the risk that they could get messed up when i was already happy and then regret being so superficial.... it was tough.

I knew that on my small frame they would look good but i have heard so many stories of complications and bad healing and even celebrities have gotten jacked up that was/is it really worth it??? did i really want people looking at me and thinking " wow she's fake...."

I've always prided myself in not pretending to me someone i'm not so what would that mean if i pumped my chest full of silicone? i would feel like a hypocrite...

So on my way home from Atlanta i was reading the December issue of Cosmo... i know i know
Well i never thought i would say i learned something or walked away with something thoughtful from Cosmo....but i did. I've tried to find the article online but i cant. Anyways, i read an article entitled "Why I got rid of my fake boobs"

This girl had implants done and all of a sudden was noticed and started modeling and acting and when she never got any part that didnt involve her boobs and where she wasnt speaking she realized that no one noticed her for her but for what was under her chest. She had them removed and had complications and now her chest is messed up..... she is upset because she was happy before. I felt like i was reading what COULD be my life and when i finished the article i said a quick prayer..... Message received Lord.

So for now my vanity dilemna involving my chest is solved.... my other selfish purchases will have to wait and probably never happen.... lol

Monday, November 16, 2009

My trip to Atlanta

So this weekend was my first experience in Atlanta and like always i gotta write about what i did, why i did it and what i learned this weekend...
My cousin ashlyn's birthday was last week and i had originally told her that i couldnt go and to surprise her, her boyfriend flew me out and we schemed to surprise her. He picked me up from the airport and we went to her favorite little spot in Grant Park and waited. The waited downstairs and I sat upstairs in the bar until he came up and told me what table they were sitting at. I walked over and the look on her face was priceless as i sat down. She was like "omg are you serious"
I had her led to beleive that Scott's big surprise was a cake and i joked with her that a midget stripper was gonna pop out. To be funny we bought her a mini little cake and i put a little mermaid candle on it since she is half naked... closest thing i could get....
What we did.....
After dinner at Tin Lizzy's we caught a cab across town to Buckhead and went to a bar called Moondogs. It was a really cool place. In fact before i even say anymore... Atlanta is a really cool place. I only saw grant park and buckhead and it was totally somewhere i could get used too.
So moondogs had lots of rooms, the bartender has his dog behind the bar with him and well ladies if you are in ATL and looking to meet lots of guys, any type of guy.... well you can go there cus every kind of guy was well represented there.
We had a blast... i danced, i mingled, i flirted, i drank... as always i had fun.
My friend Audrey that i havent seen in years came out and had a great time catching up with her and laughing at old memories.
Saturday ash has homework so after eating at Bluebird cafe she did homework at dakota blue while i explored grant park and walked around. I wish my camera had had more battery so i could have taken more photos. it was so nice!
We had dinner at this super cool, super chill hole in the wall called solstice. it was totally my kind of place. dark, trendy, loungy but super casual. you could wear anything in there and we totally had dinner and wine on a big fluffy sofa and coffee table. their menu was unique and their own. I loved it. Audrey and her friend Will met up with us there and while they ate i got ready and met back up with them. From there the three of us went back to Tin Lizzy's to watch the rest of the football game and have drinks. After that we went back to Buckhead and watched the Manny Pacquiao fight at Cheyenne Grill. Pac man whooped on on Cotto. It was awesome. I love boxing.
After that we relocated to another really cool, multiroom irish pub that had dancing and a firepit and all kinds of cool stuff. I think we were all pretty tired and called it a night early.
The next day we went out to Loganville so i could see Ash's mom and sisters and we had a really fun time. her youngest sister is just precious. She liked to play on my blackberry and wrote some random comments all over facebook which cracked me up.
I flew back shortly after that and was happy to be reunited with my puppy...
If you want to check out some of the places we went here you go
What I learned....
I learned A LOT... however part of that out of respect for other people i will keep to myself....however
1) Atlanta is not what i expected... it totally reminded me alot of houston and dallas
2) new yorker guys are very forward... i need to add a funny section to this... basically i flirted with this guy and he said some weird stuff about how he wanted to continue to hang out with me but he didnt know where he would end up sleeping and when i kept saying " um why wouldn tyou go home i am not that kind of girl..." he proceeded with " ok look i am attracted to you enough to say this... you wanna have a slumber party with me or not" i said " nope and have a good night!"
3) its pretty obvious when you arent from around somewhere. i noticed that the trend for Georgia girls was leggings, boots and long tops. my black vintage cocktail dress at mooondogs was a clear indicator i wasnt from around there
4) i eat a crap ton. and if i dont i get cranky and i feel like i might die and then later in the day my head hurts so bad i nearly pass out
5) relationships are hard and sometimes the hardest part is realizing when to call it a loss and move on. life is too short to be unhappy or to fight
6) no matter how many years its been... its always great to catch up with family. younger cousins are so wonderful and make me smile for days afterwards with their sweet nature
7) no matter where you go or who you are with remaining true to yourself is always the best thing. i am always my loud crazy honest self and i'm glad i dont pretend to be someone i am not
8) good friends are good friends no matter how few times you have seen them or not. bonds are bonds and memories are memories...
ehhh maybe more later.....

Thursday, November 12, 2009


So for most of us we dream at night. I know a few people who cannot recall their dreams but omg i have some of the craziest dreams out of anyone i have ever known. Its probably because i am so incredibly random and have the biggest imagination ever.

Sometimes i wish there was a way to record my dreams because some of the spaces/rooms/buildings that are in my dreams are so incredibly interesting and detailed that i would love to go back and actually design and build them.

So last night i had this dream... and i cant remember all of it but i remember some of it and holy crap i woke up laughing my butt off....

I dreamed i was somewhere with a friend and we were staying with family or something for the weekend and we were celebrating something. My dad was there but it was my dad like 10 years ago. I think we were at someone in our family's wedding... i dunno who's i just remember my dad had a suit on and we were at these fancy round tables with all the linen and china and we were under a tent with fancy lights and music playing.

My stepmom in my dream wasnt my stepmom but some girl who is actually my friend on facebook that i havent seen in years. i probably dreamed it was her cus i noticed her cute profile picture yesterday before i went to bed. Anyways she was my stepmom in the dream but she was older and different hairstyle. I remember in the dream looking at a yearbook that was supposed to be the two of them but the pictures werent.

The funny part of the dream was my dad was completely and utterly drunk. He was a blast!!! Thats funny because my father does not drink... AT ALL. he used to have a glass of wine from time to time or one or two beers when he would visit his brother and they would be at the deer camp or something but since my dad became a deacon and he said he would not drink anything he has kept his word.

Anyways, in the dream he has his bow tie off and the top few buttons of his shirt unbuttoned and we were just laughing hysterically. My friends were like "omg your dad is so funny!!!" which in reality they say that anyways but it was funny. then my dad was pulling out his camera from his pocket and was like "smile!!!!!!!!!!!!" and pulling a what i usually do and taking pictures of ourselves. then he leaned back in his seat and kicked his feet up on the table. omg it was so funny. I woke up like "who was that?!?!?!?!"

hahah. a few weeks ago i dreamed i wore a silk dress to work and i walked around the office with the silk part folded and stuck up to the top of my back. Unfortunately in my dream i decided it was a good day to not wear underwear and i walked around the entire office with my dress up in the back and my bare booty busted out in front of everyone. I even went to far as to going to my coworkers desk and leaning over. after that i realized and i was like, "Alicia why didn't you tell my dress was up and that the whole office could see not only my butt but the fact that i went commando today?"

her response " oh i thought you wanted it like that?" what the heck?

i wonder what makes me think these crazy dreams. i've always had crazy dreams though. my dad thinks i'm insane because i will email him, " dad last night in my dream you were really nervous about all these college kids at your office and you were smacking gum at a super fast nervous rate and it was weird cus well... you dont chew gum... ever!"

i wish i kept a dream journal or they were recorded because sometimes i wake up and i know what i just dreamed was super strange but i cant recall all of it or it fades super fast.

anyone else dream crazy stuff? raul didnt you dream about being on paris hiltons my new bff or something??? haha

Monday, November 9, 2009

Going green in your sex life......

Ok i know what you are thinking... what the heck emily right?

Trust me i am with you... However i need a laugh... a big one. So i figured instead of blogging on something serious or something thats bugging me i would make myself as well as everyone else as well.....

So getting ready for work this morning Rod Ryan was talking about "Going green" and they asked the other DJ if she was still doing "green" things around her house and she went on and on about her "green" steam cleaner she got over the weekend.

Well Rod was like "ok guys well lets talk about going green in your sex life"
The other djs were like WHAT????

omg i about spit out my toothpaste i was laughing so hard. I'm not going to go into details but apparently there are new toys that do not use plastic, new preventatives that are organic and vegan. I'm like omg are we getting crazy with the whole green thing......

It was funny cus one of the guys on the show was like " yeah and if you have those new green light bulbs and you turn them off while doing it you're saving even more energy!!!"

hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Rod Ryan has podcasts and I'm sure it will be up later if you want to listen and laugh http://www.thebuzz.com/cc-common/podcast/single_podcast.html?podcast=rodryan.xml

Then apparently they read a statistic that 40% of pregnancies are unplanned... HOLY CRAP! So Rod was like, " so ultimately if you wanna be green in your sex life... be careful and prevent unwanted babies. because other people on this planet are more carbon footprints"

i finished brushing my teeth laughing and my face covered in toothpaste. Hope if made you guys laugh!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I dont really get how our society became so selfish. Why do some people not care if they hurt their friends, family members, loved ones, etc?

i guess i shouldnt let people's behavior surprise me but it does. I would NEVER in my life deliberately hurt someone and it seems lately that i see more and more of people around me who have no consideration for how others might feel.

then those people want to ask, "oh is something wrong?"

I dunno maybe if people stopped caring so much about themselves all the damn time they might stop and smell the roses and see that other people have feelings, have hearts, and that they deserve to be respected... Just a thought.

Yes we should love ourselves but damn everyone these days seems to be taking that to the next step. what happened to "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF" ??????

guess a lot of people were never taught that......

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kids say the funniest stuff

Kids are so funny, lets face it. My friend at work and i were having lunch today and talking about our weekends and she was telling me how while visiting her sick grandma she got to see lots of her cousins and her cousin's children.

Gosh she was cracking me up with stories of her 3 year old cousin who seems to think she runs the planet.... haha
She asked her dad for lemonade and his response was, " no its too late for something sweet you can have water or milk"
the little girl responds, " no no i said i want lemonade"
and the dad repeats himself and she says, " no no i said i want lemonade daddy" (as if he didnt hear her) and he says his answer again and she responds " daddy thats not your decision"

hahaha little diva. well then apparently she was at the park and the little girl isnt potty trained and told her mom that she needed to go but kept playing. the play ground had a little airplane as part of the play ground and the little girl goes and plays and comes back and is like " mommy i peed in the airplane!" hahaha
the mom was like " omg you are in so much trouble get down here"
and she responds " no i'm not"

apparently there was another little cousin who decided to go play in the airplane and was like, "hey mom there is water in here"

needless to say the littke girl escaped dry and the little boy was covered in "water" SICK!!!

then apparently at the store the little girl was sittin gin the basket and wanted out and when her mom told her no she said " mom i am not a child!"

i dunno little kids CRACK ME UP. i watch home videos of myself and the stories my parents tell me i am like man i was a riot!

my favorite... at 4 and a half i'm with my mom and brother and my mom couldnt get the door to our rental house open. if any of you know my parents you know they dont utter a bad word EVER! so my mom is fumbling the keys and getting flustered and i put my hands on my hips, stomp my foot ( something i did alot as a child apparently) and yelled DAMNIT!!!!
my mom looked at me with that look she still gives me ( i still say a lot of things that shock her... big surprise... somethings never change haha) and she says " Emily ( full name) where did you learn that word?" ( cus it obviously wasnt from her...) and i said " well momma vikki says it all the time on one life to live"

omg adorable if i say so myself. its like that little girl on youtube who goes on and on about the monster who's ass she is gonna kick and she has no idea what she is saying. lol

funny kids. haha

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So this weekend was Halloween and my best friend Dooley came into town to visit me. She needed an Emily fix in her life hehehe

We had a blast and met up with some friends in Sugarland for some martinis Friday and Saturday we shopped, went running in the park, got ready for halloween, visited some old friends and then celebrated with some new friends and had a yummy brunch the next day.

So I learned alot this weekend about myself and how life works in funny ways. I'm not gonna be very specific as I dont think the whole world needs to know my business ( learned that blogging lesson years ago...) but as generic as possibly can and then maybe someone else can relate it to something they are going through.

Sometimes we lose people we love through odd circumstances. Friends, family members, exes, coworkers, whomever and it hurts when you have a bond with someone and for whatever reason that bond becomes broken. There was a time when i used to avoid doing particular things in fear i could run into some of these broken bonds, however in the last few months i've found this love for myself that i dont care if i see these people. In fact i would love to and hope we can be civil or exchange a smile or something.
I learned this weekend that while i'm strong enough for that and that i can put past bonds behind me, that people's behavior still surprises me. People you've known as far back as you can remember can surprise you in the biggest ways. Despite that surprise... I'm ok. In fact I'm fine with it and I can say my life has never been happier... Sometimes we have to loose something to gain something and that is a HUGE blessing.......

In fact Halloween night i am having a blast and my purse was stolen. I'm super mad i lost my new camera in there with my pictures from the entire weekend, that night in my costume, my friends, my dog, my airbrush tan photos. i feel like my privacy has been super invaded. my friends were surprised at my behavior as i was so angry since i never get angry lol i was saying all kinds of profane things and just mad. I mean who wouldnt be ya know? However, its ok. I cant replace those memories which sucks, but I still had my friends, my health, my life... its ok.

Now it was a big hassle to call and cancel my cards, call my office and tell them my phone was stolen blah blah. I didnt know how i was gonna pay for stuff when i had to wait for my new cards to come in. I figured i was going to have to write checks with my passport. Well i was looking for my account info and i found two credit cards that i keep just to have a good credit score but i never use them. SCORE. there was a reason i kept them tucked away. Then i had been looking for my SS card for awhile and i found it last week and you HAVE to have it for a new license.

OMG little blessings and things you dont think about and dont appreciate until it happens. we dont see how God works in little ways along the way until we need them right them and you're like " hahaha God I got it. thanks!"
SO anyways, i realized any and every little thing we do can be a huge blessing and that the people who come and go in life are blessings too even before during and after that bond is gone. The bonds that last are just that more special. I have great people in my life that lift me up everyday, make me smile, make me think and make me do my favorite thing... LAUGH. HAHA even if its at myself. Thanks to those awesome friends i have :)