Sometimes i wish there was a way to record my dreams because some of the spaces/rooms/buildings that are in my dreams are so incredibly interesting and detailed that i would love to go back and actually design and build them.
So last night i had this dream... and i cant remember all of it but i remember some of it and holy crap i woke up laughing my butt off....
I dreamed i was somewhere with a friend and we were staying with family or something for the weekend and we were celebrating something. My dad was there but it was my dad like 10 years ago. I think we were at someone in our family's wedding... i dunno who's i just remember my dad had a suit on and we were at these fancy round tables with all the linen and china and we were under a tent with fancy lights and music playing.
My stepmom in my dream wasnt my stepmom but some girl who is actually my friend on facebook that i havent seen in years. i probably dreamed it was her cus i noticed her cute profile picture yesterday before i went to bed. Anyways she was my stepmom in the dream but she was older and different hairstyle. I remember in the dream looking at a yearbook that was supposed to be the two of them but the pictures werent.
The funny part of the dream was my dad was completely and utterly drunk. He was a blast!!! Thats funny because my father does not drink... AT ALL. he used to have a glass of wine from time to time or one or two beers when he would visit his brother and they would be at the deer camp or something but since my dad became a deacon and he said he would not drink anything he has kept his word.
Anyways, in the dream he has his bow tie off and the top few buttons of his shirt unbuttoned and we were just laughing hysterically. My friends were like "omg your dad is so funny!!!" which in reality they say that anyways but it was funny. then my dad was pulling out his camera from his pocket and was like "smile!!!!!!!!!!!!" and pulling a what i usually do and taking pictures of ourselves. then he leaned back in his seat and kicked his feet up on the table. omg it was so funny. I woke up like "who was that?!?!?!?!"
hahah. a few weeks ago i dreamed i wore a silk dress to work and i walked around the office with the silk part folded and stuck up to the top of my back. Unfortunately in my dream i decided it was a good day to not wear underwear and i walked around the entire office with my dress up in the back and my bare booty busted out in front of everyone. I even went to far as to going to my coworkers desk and leaning over. after that i realized and i was like, "Alicia why didn't you tell my dress was up and that the whole office could see not only my butt but the fact that i went commando today?"
her response " oh i thought you wanted it like that?" what the heck?
i wonder what makes me think these crazy dreams. i've always had crazy dreams though. my dad thinks i'm insane because i will email him, " dad last night in my dream you were really nervous about all these college kids at your office and you were smacking gum at a super fast nervous rate and it was weird cus well... you dont chew gum... ever!"
i wish i kept a dream journal or they were recorded because sometimes i wake up and i know what i just dreamed was super strange but i cant recall all of it or it fades super fast.
anyone else dream crazy stuff? raul didnt you dream about being on paris hiltons my new bff or something??? haha
so maybe i dreamt about being paris' new bff. DONT JUDGE ME lol. yeah i have crazy dreams too, lately its been about my roomate's cat trying to take over our appartment and building tunnels to let in other cats for her army and for ambushes. CRAZY!