Kids are so funny, lets face it. My friend at work and i were having lunch today and talking about our weekends and she was telling me how while visiting her sick grandma she got to see lots of her cousins and her cousin's children.
Gosh she was cracking me up with stories of her 3 year old cousin who seems to think she runs the planet.... haha
She asked her dad for lemonade and his response was, " no its too late for something sweet you can have water or milk"
the little girl responds, " no no i said i want lemonade"
and the dad repeats himself and she says, " no no i said i want lemonade daddy" (as if he didnt hear her) and he says his answer again and she responds " daddy thats not your decision"
hahaha little diva. well then apparently she was at the park and the little girl isnt potty trained and told her mom that she needed to go but kept playing. the play ground had a little airplane as part of the play ground and the little girl goes and plays and comes back and is like " mommy i peed in the airplane!" hahaha
the mom was like " omg you are in so much trouble get down here"
and she responds " no i'm not"
apparently there was another little cousin who decided to go play in the airplane and was like, "hey mom there is water in here"
needless to say the littke girl escaped dry and the little boy was covered in "water" SICK!!!
then apparently at the store the little girl was sittin gin the basket and wanted out and when her mom told her no she said " mom i am not a child!"
i dunno little kids CRACK ME UP. i watch home videos of myself and the stories my parents tell me i am like man i was a riot!
my favorite... at 4 and a half i'm with my mom and brother and my mom couldnt get the door to our rental house open. if any of you know my parents you know they dont utter a bad word EVER! so my mom is fumbling the keys and getting flustered and i put my hands on my hips, stomp my foot ( something i did alot as a child apparently) and yelled DAMNIT!!!!
my mom looked at me with that look she still gives me ( i still say a lot of things that shock her... big surprise... somethings never change haha) and she says " Emily ( full name) where did you learn that word?" ( cus it obviously wasnt from her...) and i said " well momma vikki says it all the time on one life to live"
omg adorable if i say so myself. its like that little girl on youtube who goes on and on about the monster who's ass she is gonna kick and she has no idea what she is saying. lol
funny kids. haha
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