Do you ever have days where its like anything and everything annoys you.... i had one recently which inspired this list of things that just drive me NUTS!!!
1)people who would rather talk about something than do it. example: the person who is always saying they hate their job, or that they are fat, or that their relationship sucks.... QUIT TALKING ABOUT AND FREAKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!
2)one uppers- you know... the guy in the office who always did something that was better than what you were talking about... somehow your talk about the pizza you had last night turns into his amazing trip to Italy...
3)deliberately bad english.... i joke with several friends and family members by talking ghetto, but when people deliberately say things off and claim thats they way they talk i call BULL DOOKIE! Example: when Usher started being referred to as ursher.... ummmm ok?
4)when girls who are obviously larger than life think they can dress like a size zero and have all their stuff exposed to the world.... ok none of us want to see that and the person who lied to you that you look good needs to be slapped...TWICE
5)people who are in love with being in love. omg that drives me nuts. one month they are so in love with this person and their facebook and everything they talk about is "omg i love blah blah" " i miss blah blah" and a month later its some other person.... really? is this 6th grade? thats not love my friend....
6)guys in girl jeans.... maybe if thats your idea of birth control but really i mean isnt that uncomfortable???
7) excessive body hair.... yes guys you can do something about. nair it, wax it, shave it, lazer remove it.... SOMETHING thats absolutely sick! there isnt one girl out there who finds gorilla arms and back and chest remotely hot...
8)when people are so obviously blocking your view of something and are so inconsiderate to do NOTHING about it.... MOVE!
9)the butt short skirt ot shorts with ugg boots? if your feet and calves are so cold you need to wear uggs put some flippin pants on!
10)when girls curl their hair and get all dolled up at the gym.... then their whole workout their hair nor their face shows any indication of work.... you're not working hard enough sweetie!
11)really janky cars with rims, spinners, whatever.... if you are gonna go drop 2k on your 1988 caddie, why not put it as a downpayment on a semi new car thats worth more than the rims on it....
12) super clingy relationships.... let your woman/dude breathe they were an individual before you were a couple, and they still are... let them be that way
13)chewing tobacco....one word GROSS
14)stoners--- do something with your life, are you that ignorant that all you do is smoke all day and you only make money so you can smoke more the next day. maybe if you got your mouth off the pipe for a minute you might find a new hobby or new appreciation for life oh and you may find you dont smell like crap all the time!
15) when guys expect girls to chase after them... sorry babe... not gonna happen... heard of chivalry. i dont want to tell my children one day that i chased you until you gave in... not me sorry
16)people who are so in debt cus they cant get control of their spending or need for the biggest/greatest/name brand thing. if you're in hard core debt then dont go buy that tv, boat, vacation whatever. get yout crap taken care of.... you're not helping the economy and the deficit
17)american idol....go away already
18) sluttiness...does sleeping with someone new every weekend really make you feel better about yourself? i mean it may be fun in the moment, but is it really worth it...makes me want to puke in my mouth... blah
19) soapboxes.... meaning people get up on their high horse and dont let you say what you want to say or are so opinionated they dont even respect what you have to say or what you think or your rationale
20) really really large butted people who wear underwear several sizes too small so that the back of their pants gives the appearance of 4 butt cheeks instead of 2 ( i had a facebook status about this the other day it bothers me so much)
21) lazy people ( especially women) you dont work all day cus your husband makes a bunch of money, you dont have kids, you have someone to clean your house, so what do you do all day? NOTHING but spend money and sleep. shoot clean the house, workout... something. i mean i could totally pull off the hot housewife gig, but i'll be damned if i dont clean my house myself, have dinner on the table, take care of myself, and find some sort of productive hobby or part time gig to keep me occupied and feel i contributed to society.... ugh
22) club rats--- you know.... the guy or girl who every monday have pictures of them at a different club both nights of the weekend. unless you work there, or you're like 18 or 19 get a new hobby seriously....
23) people who have never left their hometown or state---- hello? you know there is a whole big world out there of some kick ass stuff. go see it, experience it, breathe new air, see god's creation and people.... learn something outside of your comfort zone!
24) people with no backbone--- dont enable people to treat you like dirt
25) cheaters--- karma will come get you and its gonna suck. why hurt someone you care about cus you have commitment issues. if you're unhappy get out of it, and if you're just selfish dont subject others to your issues... jerk!
i could go on but i'll save it for another day! :)